Anyohsayo - Peace be upon you 😍 Welcome to my channel Egyptian and Korean - Kim Koke My name is Israa (Kookie) Egyptian living in Korea and my husband's name is Ryan Korean and we have the two most beautiful girls in the world their Egyptian name is (Jamila and Habeeba) and Korean (Da On - Da Min) 💗 We are a Muslim family, thank God ❤ I studied the Korean language in Egypt and Korea and specialized in translation and work as a translator, but currently I am on a special vacation to care for and raise my daughter Jamila I would like to share with you all my experiences here in Korea and convey to you the full picture during my life in Korea whether it was positive or negative and the difference between Egyptian and Korean culture I hope you subscribe to the channel to be a big family. 안녕하세요😍 한국에서 살고 있는 외국인입니다 국제결혼을 했고 아주 재미있고 행복한 결혼 생활 하고 있고 아주 이쁜 두공주님이 있습니다. 💗 유투브 동영상을 취미로 하고 있습니다. 한국어와 영어와 아랍어로 한국인에게도 도움이 될거라고 생각합니당 ^^ 재밌게 봐주세요❤️ . Hello everyone 😍 -Aslam alikum welcome to my channel Egyptian and Korean -Kim koke my name is israa Egyptian Living in South kore my husband is Korean Muslim his Islamic name is Ryan andwe have the most beautiful girls in the world their names are Jamila and Habiba Kim💗 we are Muslim family Alhamdulillah I studied Korean language in Egypt and now I work as an interpreter but now iam in my resting time to care for my little daughter , I want to share with you about the life in South Korea through my eyes for everything good and bad things and the difference between Egyptian and Korean culture , I hope you join my channel family and subscribe to my channel to join our big family #Kim_Kookie #Egyptian_and_Korean #Egyptian_Korean_family #Korea #South_Korea #Beautiful_and_beloved_mother #Egyptian_Korean_child #Egypt #My_daily_routine #kimkoke #kimjamila #kimhabiba #internationalfamily #korea #Egypt #internationalcouple #Korean #koreanmuslim. #김코키 #한아랍가족 #다문화가족 #이집트 #한국 #국제결혼 #국제부부 #육아맘 #