Hello, I'm Rae-il Kim from the Sims 4 Lab. Sims has Simstagram, just like real-life Instagram and YouTube. Today, I'm going to try to get 1 million subscribers there. My main activity is to take selfies and upload them. Can I get 1 million followers with just photos? Audionautix's Short Guitar Clip is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Artist: http://audionautix.com/ I mainly play Sims 4 and create various contents that can be used with Sims. The main content is the Sims Lab, where I experiment with things I'm curious about in Sims! Do Sims have egos? What happens if a Sim gets pregnant with twins? I'll answer all your questions. Don't miss out on all the news about new expansion packs. If you want to see various information about Sim Creation and Architecture at once, and if you want to see the person who enjoys Sims the most in the world???? Please subscribe to Rae-il Kim.