My VPN: https://t.me/borisgetscash_vpn_bot By purchasing my VPN, you support my channel - thank you very much for that! The cost is only about $ 5 (500 rubles or equivalent in any currency, including cryptocurrency) per month. The first 7 days of use are absolutely free. Main advantages: Connection of up to 5 devices Unlimited speed and traffic Three available protocols: Outline, VLESS and Shadowsocks Servers in different countries, including the Russian Federation (if you need to access government services or banks, etc. from abroad) Telegram channel: https://t.me/BorisGetsCash_channel Instagram: / borisgetscash If you want to support my work: https://boosty.to/borisgetscash/donate https://www.donationalerts.com/r/bori... https://paypal.me/borisgetscash BTC: 1D6vLZcu4nJ9r1kSGb6V3LaZHuCwJq1dZY USDT (TRC20): TUqn1YGseD3W43TChphroTNum3a76ZfAAu What I shoot with: sony zve10, viltrox 13mm f1.4, Sony 50mm f1.8, dji mic sound.