🛒💰Part 2 In-depth study! *In-depth interview Living stylishly without spending money on clothing for 5 years #The secret to not buying new clothes The inconvenient truth contained in clothes Every second, 1 ton truckload of clothing is thrown away #Environmental issues, #Labor exploitation, #Animal material issues #Fashion and #Consumption promotion #Apparel companies transforming into data companies #Sustainability such as recycling #Saving style without new clothes #Writer Soyeon Lee December 8, 2023 [This is Dae-ho Lee with a premonition of success] KBS 1 Radio1 FM 97.3MHz Mon-Fri 09:05-10:53 #KBS1Radio #EconomicsRadio #ThisIsDae-hoWithaPremonitionofSuccess #PremonitionofSuccess #Dae-hoLee #EconomicsIn-depthInterview #PremonitionofSuccessIn-depthStudy #PremonitionofSuccessInterview #Economy