Efraín Rodas, diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 33, and his partner Karina Agüero, a specialist in psychopedagogy, tell us about the two sides of psychosis and what it is like to live with the disorder. Thanks to the diagnosis, Efraín can carry out his treatment, raise his children and return to his daily activities. Karina highlighted the importance of psychoeducation and together with her partner they are in charge of disseminating everything about mental health, which is essential for society. In this BorderSessions with María Julia Oliván they tell their experience and how they went through each of the stages up to the present. NETWORKS ON BOTH SIDES OF PSYCHOSIS YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@losdosladosp... Instagram: / losdosladospsicosis Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/discover/los-d... Audiovisual Production: Tali Jeifetz CONTACT: [email protected] BORDERPERIODISMO: https://borderperiodismo.com/ Instagram: / borderperio. . Twitter: / borderonline TikTok: / borderperiodismo . . . . . . . . . . . . . #Schizophrenia #bordersesessions #mariajuliaolivan #psychosis #livingwithschizophrenia #livingwithpsychosis #lifewithschizophrenia #symptomsofschizophrenia #psychology #psychoeducation