More than 16 rides alone in the dark in the cold and light rain is something I have never faced before. Until now, I have slept 2x shorter at night, which was not easy. Now I played to the max, with the help of a top battery-powered bike light and the best dynamo light. Both of these Lucifers are, of course, from Germany ???? But sight is only one of the senses. My sense of smell is broken, because I have had a cold for a few days. Touch is OK, because I had gloves in which I could put batteries at any time to warm me up, but it was not necessary, because 2 degrees above zero is warm enough. Taste - I ate almost nothing except 1 hot dog or a sandwich from a zabka once every 6 hours. My hearing remained. Here, atmospheric music was playing all the time, such as German classical electronics, or songs with a night motif. The best thing was listening at midnight to the unheard last broadcast of Tomek Beksiński before he committed suicide. Completely dark and gloomy atmosphere. Incredible experience. It's a shame he left :(