Well, today's video will not be dedicated to any specific game, but rather to a person widely known to everyone - actor Vin Diesel. This guy conquers us with the shine of his bald head not only in films, but also in games. And today we will talk about games with his participation. It's not for nothing that I've played all the games with Vin Diesel... ====================================================================== Timeline: 00:06 - Introduction 00:27 - Who is this Vin Diesel of yours and what is he famous for 04:19 - Vin Diesel is a gamer 06:06 - The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay 11:21 - Wheelman 15:37 - The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena 19:55 - Riddick: The Merc Files 21:11 - Fast & Furious Crossroads 27:44 - Conclusion ============================================================= #vindisiel #vindisiel #tigon studios