The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is an anime film set in the Lord of the Rings universe and based on the story by JRR Tolkien. The film tells the story of Helm Hammerhand, the legendary king of the Kingdom of Rohan, and the events take place approximately 200 years before the events in The Lord of the Rings. The film centers on the struggle of Helm Hammerhand and his daughter Héra against the rebels led by the Dunlending leader Wulf. Wulf attacks Rohan to avenge his father's death, and an epic siege begins on the legendary fortress of Helm's Deep. The film is not only about a great war, but also about family ties, loyalty, and sacrifice. Miranda Otto returns as Éowyn, the character we know from The Lord of the Rings films, and leads the story as narrator. Helm's brave and determined daughter Héra also plays an important role in the film, organizing the resistance. The director's chair is the famous anime director Kenji Kamiyama #MiddleEarth #LordOfTheRings #Rohirrim Join this channel to benefit from the privileges: / @umurtezer For Advertising, Sponsorship and Business meetings: [email protected]