Today, I took my friend who is not interested in cars and is not good at cars on the new Santa Fe MX5!! This video was filmed for fun with my friend, so please just watch it for fun~! 🤣🤣 🎁 The Novik neck cushion free giveaway event has been completed. 🎁 🚗Vehicle: New Santa Fe MX5 / Gasoline 2.5 Turbo 📍Color: Magnetic Gray Metallic / Light Beige Two-tone 📍Grade: Calligraphy 📍Tinting: Terralux IR Front 30 / Side and Rear 15 Sponsorship inquiries: [email protected] #NewSantaFe #SantaFeFullChange #SantaFeMX5 #SantaFeGasoline #MagneticGrayMetallic #santafe #DiorNewSantaFe #OrdinaryPerson #Vlog