people, I wanted to do a kpop makeover with kelly but when I was dyeing her I messed up the color mix ???? luckily we were able to sort out the situation easily but my heart was already going boom boom, well, I hope you have fun with the video, I'll also show you how I make my kimchi goulash hehe. Kelly's Kpop video: • I listen to ONLY K-Pop for 7 days my insta: theunstablestylist (advertising because of the brand name mentioned) for the first coloring I mixed wella create in color infinite orange with nu'dist pink 1 to 1 and the 2nd coloring hypercoral with clear 1 to one. I should actually have just used 2 parts (hypercoral), 1 part infinite orange and 7 parts clear for the first coloring aaaarrrggghhh well, you learn from mistakes, I love y'all