I got this tip from an antique dealer (Thanks Treco Velho!) and I ran to Piracicaba to check it out and show you another option for finding antique furniture and vintage objects just the way we like them! I came across an excellent option for antique hunting that I'll try to show here in this video, including prices for some pieces so you already know that it's a cool place to make our decor more authentic and full of personality! I hope you like it (I did!) and a big kiss from Martha ANTIQUE DEALER CONTACT: LU JU ANTIGUIDADES Rua Curitiba, 18 - Glebas Califórnia - Piracicaba/SP WhatsApp (19) 99743-4236 Instagram - @lujuantiguidades Facebook - Lu Ju Antiguidades If you want to help me with travel expenses to other cities where we'll find new antique hunting options, give me a hand ($): The channel's PIX is my cell phone (19 992313434). You can also support me by sharing this video and also indicating the channel, let's go together towards 20 thousand subscribers!!!! SUBSCRIBE NOW @MarthaNucci Want to know where I'm at? Instagram: @estudiolixa and Facebook: /estudiolixa And remember, here you can find more of the REINAUGURATED OBJECTS - https://estudiolixa.com.br/loja The REINAUGURATED OBJECTS thank you for the new opportunities! See More: Another in Piracicaba - • I found a PERFECT Treasure Trove in Piracica... The one in Itirapina - • FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE ANTIQUE CHEST #antique... I found another Great Treasure Trove of Antiques #antiques #antiquestore #decoration #store #antiques #antiquestore #antiquity #bazaar #thrift store #collector #campinas #collectors #decoration #decoration #DIY #sandpaperstudio #antiquetreasures #inspiration #marthanucci #furniture #antiquefurniture #oldfurniture #usedfurniture #upcycling, #vintage #affectivedecoration #receivingwithcharm #rarities #relics #decorationideas #myhome #realhome #mydecoration #vintageroom #vintagedecor #vintagerelics antique, antique, antiques, antiques, thrift shop, bazaar, campinas and region, collecting, home, chairs, campinas, how to get inspired, kitchen, decoration tips, creative decoration, decoration, home decoration, vintage decoration, diy, decoration tips, Estúdio Lixa, junkyard, prospecting, antique prospecting, store to visit, store, martha nucci, marta nucci, antique furniture, antique furniture at home, antique furniture in decoration, antique furniture, period furniture, furniture, used furniture, antique furniture at home, antique furniture in decoration, period furniture, reuse at home, relics, renovate, relics, reuse, renovate furniture, retro, upcycling, living room, vintage, crockery, antique crockery, vintage crockery, Martha Nucci, Estúdio Lixa, creative decoration, antique furniture, antique furniture, decoration, home decoration, antique furniture at home, antique furniture in decoration, renovation tips, renovation, renovating furniture, prospecting furniture, home, reuse at home, vintage decoration, martha nucci, estudio liza, my house, living room decoration, reuse, upcycling, my decoration, monte sião, monte siao, minas gerais, porcelain, crockery, welcome, vintage crockery, farm house,