If you haven't kept track of your income and want to know how much you're going to declare, this video is for you. I'll teach you some solutions that you can apply today. Even if you haven't written anything down. Individual Consulting for MEI: https://hotm.art/U5Jvk84I Hire our Accounting: https://bit.ly/3AhBJkd Instagram: /suacontadoraoficial Services that I recommend for entrepreneurs: Digital Certificates: https://bit.ly/48UUtCn Trademark Registration: https://bit.ly/46WePdd Cora PJ Bank Account: https://bit.ly/45UQKCn Omie System Financial Management and issuance of invoices: https://bit.ly/3QMlZLH ABOUT MY CHANNEL: Hello everyone, I'm Laís Narciso, Your Accountant. Here I'll help you by sharing a lot of free content to help you with the bureaucracy of the daily life of Brazilians. Here you will find: entrepreneurship, finance, MEI, income tax and much more!