Did you know that it is possible to keep your home organized, save money, and still find quality time without needing a cleaning lady? In this video, I share 5 practical steps that help me do this, bringing minimalism and household economy as allies. Dividing up tasks, a daily cleaning routine, less is more, smart use of resources, and quality time are the pillars that help me keep everything in order. Watch until the end and find out how you can simplify your life too. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and follow me on Instagram @agiovanaantunes for more tips like this! I organize my routine with the cleaning schedule, I do it by tasks Link my schedule https://giovanaantunes.com.br/cronogr... Ebook 50 MISTURINHAS https://bit.ly/50_Recetias_Secretas_d... Multilaser robot free market https://mercadolivre.com/sec/17NpYPY Wap vertical vacuum cleaner https://mercadolivre.com/sec/1BPJAUz My Gi collection https://mycollection.shop/donadecasagi Nobre flat mop https://mercadolivre.com/sec/13kCKaJ Mini robot vacuum cleaner ???? https://shope.ee/7UuaiAgfEu Electric cleaning brush https://s.shopee.com.br/2fptkQkmdX