Hello back, friends! Join me on the second part of my trip through Catamarca, taking National Route 60, the road to the Seismiles. We will admire the landscapes of one of the most beautiful provinces in Argentina and when night falls, we will sleep in a shelter on the side of the road, fighting against the cold. I hope you enjoy it, and if so, leave me a like or a comment! See you soon!! / virguidetti / virguidetti My bike is a TRK 502 X - @BenelliArgentina My helmet is Ls2 Argentina - Pioneer Evo - @LS2Helmets My clothes are Ls2 and NTO - https://nto.921.com.ar/ My bike's protections are from Motoperímetro - https://www.motoperimetro.com/ #benellitrk502x #trk502x #mototravel #mototrip #mototravelers #advrider #advlife #camping #nomadlife