Take advantage of a 5% discount on every order WITH the code TUNELOVE in the FARMERA store https://tiny.pl/xy-f3m4x In today's video I will show you how to make your own multiplat seeder step by step! This is a simple and cheap project that will make it easier for you to sow seeds and save a lot of time in the garden. Perfect for every gardener who values precision and functionality. See how this practical gadget is made - the effect will surprise you! ???? Don't forget to leave a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss the next guides! Contact e-mail [email protected] #DIY #Seeder #Gardening #Multiplates #DoItYourself #HomeProject #GrowingPlants #Seeds #GardenTricks #Hobby #GardenDIY #PreciseSowing #Garden #DIY #Guide #farmer #foiltunnels