SUBSCRIBE https://bit.ly/38oqPuy FOLLOW US on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/journalinti... #journalintime #unbelievablebuttrue #myanimatedstory #myjournalintime #shortstory #animatedstory #story #animation #animatedlifestories #shortanimation Hi everyone, my name is Jacqueline! My sister Jess is four years older than me. Unfortunately, our parents died right after I was born, so I had no memories of them. So our grandparents raised us. They adored us. But they were old, and they couldn't keep up with our energy. Grandpa and Grandma were either working, or they were snoring on the couch watching TV. Sometimes I felt a little neglected. I wanted Jess to give me everything our parents and grandparents couldn't give me. My older sister was the sun, and I was a flower, reaching out to her.