[Thank you for your comments as always😭] Of course, the posts depend on the person😌 I don't make any assumptions. 😌 Please feel free to watch it as it is because each person is different♪ Please listen to the audio without looking at the screen like a radio🙇 Thank you for your kind comments as always☺️ I am deeply grateful to everyone who subscribed to my channel. Thank you, I love those who subscribed to my channel❤️ 40 minutes of streaming every evening from 5pm🥰 News, mysterious stories, prenatal memories, precognitive dreams, and more💓 Nobumi YouTube 👇 / @Official Picture Book Author Nobumi Channel Online Salon has been renewed! 👇 https://yoor.jp/room/nobumi/14001/e9c... Order goods👇 https://nobumigoods.thebase.in/ ⭐️Nobumi Picture Book School Now accepting applications I will teach you individually on Zoom once every two weeks for three months🙏 Starting from 2025, one set will cover six months. To apply, go to 👇 https://peraichi.com/landing_pages/vi... ⭐️ In the online salon, we will also read out the world's fastest rough draft of the finished picture book, which is currently available, once a month, and tell stories that we can't tell on YouTube. 👇 https://lit.link/nobumi?fbclid=PAAabm... #picturebook #picturebookauthor #urbanlegend #parentingmom #wanttoconnectwithparentingmoms #supportparentingmoms #momofboys #momofgirls #childcare #parentingcommon #parentingtirety #soloparenting #soloparenting #belovedson #preschool #preschooler #baby #3yearsold #4yearsold #conspiracytheory #Nobumi #kindergarten #nurseryschool #dotingparentsclub #pregnantwoman #memoriesfromthepregnancy #parentinggram #dotingparent