On this occasion we started the tour leaving Barreal (Prov. San Juan) through the rain I finally arrived at Calingasta, where I spent the night and prepared myself and the bike to climb to more than 2000 meters high and thus travel a good part of the tremendous Sierras of the Province of San Juan. Already close to reaching our destination (Jáchal) I almost ran over 2 foxes that crossed the road, luckily I saw them 2 seconds before and I managed to brake! #sanjuan #motoaventura #heroxpulse200 #nomade #ruta40 Track of today's route: https://maps.app.goo.gl/bUfY8knwhVqQw... If you want to help me with the gas, here are my links: Cafecito🍵: https://cafecito.app/nano_glitch Mercado Pago💪/Alias: nanoglitch Thanks! Follow me on Instagram: /nano__glitch