In order to avoid spoilers, I will not look at the chat during the broadcast. Thank you for your understanding. Tetsuya's Among Us history...3 games will be live streamed from 8/29 20:00! ■Participants (titles omitted) ▼Akaga no Tomo (organizer) YouTube / tomo0723sw twitter / tomo0723sw ▼Hajime Shacho YouTube / 0214mex twitter / hajimesyacho ▼Tetsuya (Tokai On Air) YouTube / tokaionair twitter / to_tetsuya ▼Kano Eiko YouTube https://bit.ly/2W7EDnq twitter / go96656663 ▼Saito Yosuke / saitoyosuke_z ▼Sugai Shunki (QuizKnock) Boss Amoas streaming slot • #Boss Amoas Some very famous people and a University of Tokyo graduate try out Among Us [Quiz... YouTube https://bit.ly/37W3QUr twitter / sugai_shunki ▼Watanabe Kohei (QuizKnock) Boss Amoas streaming slot • #Boss Amoas Some very famous people and a University of Tokyo graduate try out Among Us I tried Among Us [Quiz... YouTube https://bit.ly/37W3QUr twitter / miracle_fusion ▼SHAKA YouTube https://bit.ly/3k2K3bq twitter / avashaka ▼Hiroyuki YouTube https://bit.ly/3h94rGp twitter / hirox246 ▼Higeoyaji YouTube • Higeoyaji participating in Among Us with wonderful people (see description) 202... twitter / higeoyaji Welcome to Tokai On Air Tetsuya's personal channel [Video Upload Channel]. This is a channel where we upload crappy videos that don't even qualify as sub-channels. No expectations or low ratings allowed. Please subscribe to the channel. Tokai On Air Main Channel / tokaionair Tokai On Air Sub-Channel "Tokai On Air Waiting Room" / tokaihikaesitsu [Tetsuya's Twitter] / to_tetsuya [Tetsuya's Instagram] / to_tetsuya