I'll Tell You A Secret Episode 11 CLICK to Watch I'll Tell You A Secret Episode 12! : • I'll Tell You A Secret Episode 12 It takes some time for Mehmet, Sevgi and the children, who say hello to a different life in their new home, to get used to this situation. Tilki, Aylin, Gürcan and Zeynep must now start school. For this, both their landlord and their curious neighbor Reyhan help in this regard. This means that the children need fake IDs and prepared documents. While Sevgi takes action to do this job immediately, Mehmet, as always, looks at the incident with a cowardly eye and thinks that they will be arrested for this. No secret can be kept forever! A mother whose daughter was kidnapped by mysterious men... A father who lost his wife and took it upon himself to protect his son from evil... And five children with extraordinary powers. They came from completely different lives, but they have to be a family to protect themselves. Cast: Demet Özdemir, Ekin Koç, Esra Ronabar, Murat Han, Berk Cankat, Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun, Metehan Sezer, Burak Can PRODUCTION: SCOR FİLMS PRODUCER: SELİM ERKUL & CEMAL OZAN ÇAM DIRECTOR: CEVRİYE DEMİR SENARIO: ETHEM ÖZIŞIK EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: FİKRET SOĞANCI MUSICIAN: MAGİCPOST & İNANÇ SEVER & VOLKAN AKMEHMET Fox Home Page: https://www.fox.com.tr/ I'll Tell You a Secret: https://www.fox.com.tr/Sana-Bir-Sir-V... Twitter: / birsirverecegim Facebook: / sana-bir-s%c4%b1r-verece%c4%9fim-102915552... #FOX #SanaBirSırVerecegim #DemetÖzdemir #EkinKoç