AIR FRYER LINK➡ https://amz.run/7trV Good morning and welcome back. Today another recipe prepared with the air fryer: a tagliata with rocket, parmesan, cherry tomatoes and accompanied by crunchy spiced potatoes. I cooked both the meat and the potatoes at the same time in the fryer using the brand new DUAL BASKET model from Cosori. A fryer with a double basket that allows the simultaneous cooking of foods even with different programs and cooking times. If you liked this review, leave a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. ALSO CLICK ON THE BELL to activate notifications. #cosori #dualbasket #airfryer 🥣INGREDIENTS 700 g potatoes a 700g steak a handful of rocket 8 cherry tomatoes 20 g parmesan flakes salt, pepper, oil rosemary, thyme oregano --------------------- 🥣INGREDIENTS 700 g potatoes a 700g steak a handful of rocket 8 cherry tomatoes 20 g parmesan flakes salt, pepper, oil rosemary, thyme oregano ------------------------- 🥣INGREDIENTS 700 grams of potatoes a 700g fillet a handful of cucumbers 8 cherry tomatoes 20 g parmesan flakes salt, pepper, olive oil rosemary, thyme oregano -------------------- 🥣INGREDIENTS 700 g of apples a 700g steak 700g of melted tomatoes 8 cherry tomatoes 20 g of parmesan flocons sel, poivre, huile romarin, thym Origan ---------------------- 🥣ZUTATEN 700 g Cartoffeln ein 700g Steak eine Handvoll Arugula 8 Kirschtomaten 20 g Parmesanflocken Salz, Pfeffer, Öl Rosmarin, Thymian Origan ---------------------- 🥣ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫ 700 г картофеля стейк весом 700 г горсть ракеты 8 помидоров черри 20 г хлопьев пармезана соль, перец, масло розмарин, тимьян Ориган