Humanity, descended from Cain, deviated from the path of goodness drawn by the Creator and greedily consumed the beauties and blessings of the world, thus making the earth uninhabitable. All kinds of immorality, theft, murder and chaos, even for a piece of meat, became normal among people. In the face of this miserable situation, Noah saw in a dream that the Creator warned him of a great flood. The Creator ordered Noah to build an ark and take one of each pair of animals. This ark was also the only salvation for Noah's family. However, when the flood was approaching, the perverted people prepared to attack Noah in order to enter the ark. Noah took action immediately after receiving the Creator's instructions. He worked hard for a long time to build a large ark and carried all the animals onto the ark. During this time, people also made fun of Noah and thought he was crazy. However, with the approach of the flood, people really started to worry. They started to beg Noah to be taken on the ark and showed gratitude. However, Noah acts on the Creator's command and only takes animals and his family on the ship. The deviant people cannot enter the ship and are drowned by the force of the flood. The ship is submerged for a while and the entire world is destroyed. However, Noah and his family survive and the ship runs aground after the flood ends. This story tells how people can deviate from the Creator's path and turn to evil, which can lead to disasters. It also shows that Noah was saved by his faithfulness and faith in the Creator. These events teach people to choose the right path and follow the Creator's instructions.