Did the PHARAOH say to Hz. Mashita who is your god? WHEN HE DID NOT GET THE ANSWER HE WANTED, SHE DID SUCH THINGS THAT IT TOLD THE PROPHET Hz. MUHAMMAD (SAW) ALL OF THESE EXPERIENCES WHEN GABRIEL AS WAS TELLING HIM, HE ACTUALLY GAVE GOOSEBACKS TO HIS HAIR. Hz. Mashita's Faith: Resistance to the Pharaoh's Cruelty In this video, we share the cautionary story of Hz. Mashita, who was subjected to the Pharaoh's cruelty. Hz. Mashita was an exceptional woman who lived in the Pharaoh's palace, but carried only faith in Allah in her heart. This video tells in detail her journey full of faith, the challenges she faced, and the superior courage she showed in the end. ???? Video Content: Hz. The Life of Mashita: A Believer in the Pharaoh's Palace The Test of Faith: Pharaoh's Threats and Cruelty Patience and Resistance: The Exemplary Story of Hz. Mashita A female hero in Islamic History. A video that will attract the attention of anyone interested in Islamic history and religious stories. an impressive life story. Patience, resistance and the power of faith. ???? I'm Waiting for Your Comments! After watching this video, don't forget to share your thoughts, the lessons you learned from Hz. Mashita's story and your feelings in the comments. ???? Subscribe to My Channel. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more Islamic stories, historical events and inspiring life stories, mysterious events.