THE AMAZING LIFE STORY OF Hz. KHIZIR WILL IMPRESS YOU GREATLY. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PEOPLE WHO CLAIMED TO ENCOUNTER HIM? WHAT DO THE QURAN AND HADITHS SAY ABOUT HIM? SOURCES; QURAN Surah Kahf Who is Hz. Khidr (Nilüfer Dinç book) “The reason why Khidr is called Hızır (Hadır-Green) is because when he sat on a dry place with no grass, it immediately turned green.” (Bukhari, Enbiya, 27; T3151 Tirmidhi, Tefsir al-Qur'an, 18) Bukhari, Ilm 16, 44, Tefsir al-Qur'an, Tefsir al-Surati'l-Kahf 2-4; Muslim, Fedail 170-174 Hz Hızır I wonder how many of you watching this video have met him right now? Who am I talking about? He was born thousands of years ago, but he is believed to be still alive today. Moreover, it is thought that he appears at unexpected times and touches our lives. Hz Hızır as. There are so many interesting things told about him that you should listen to. If you are ready to learn about the life of the most mysterious person in the world with the striking events he experienced from his birth to the present, let's start. Tuncer Mystery Hunter