Kossuth Prize-winning artist, member of the Örkény Theater. He received all the awards. Almost. But that one is missing. Like a good movie role. The family model influenced his career choice, his relationship with his family, and thus his entire life. Rónai says to Egon's question that yes, he is selfish. And that the viewer should not be looked down upon. But this conversation is worth watching. ❗The independent YouTube channel of our show "Heti Napló with András Sváby" has been launched, on which, in addition to the latest content, archive reports will also be uploaded! SUBSCRIBE: / @hetinaplo ❗ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: https://goo.gl/uo2kim VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http://www.atv.hu FACEBOOK: / atv.hu INSTAGRAM: / atv_magyarorszag #atv #atvmagyarorszag #podcast Please support us so that we can create more similar content! ATV-Gondolat Jel Foundation for Objective News Services Bank account number: 10300002-20252278-00003285