In Poitou-Charentes, hunting, an ancestral practice, is experiencing an unexpected revival. Follow the Saint Laurent crew, one of the oldest in Vienne, in their deer hunts, a discipline as demanding as it is fascinating. Between meticulous strategies, disciplined packs and respect for the rhythm imposed by nature, this documentary delves into the heart of a world where tradition and passion mingle. An immersion in the lives of men and women who perpetuate, season after season, a centuries-old know-how, a living reflection of our lands. Documentary: Deer hunting in Vienna Direction: Claire Rivieccio Production: Média Vidéo Compagnie (2007) #documentary #huntingandfishing #hunting #fishing #mettesbottes #hunting #nature #deer #traditions #terroir #vienne #forest #passion #animals #seasons #hunter #heritage #authenticity #wild #riders #pack #culture #horse #hunters