Origo and OzoneNetwork TV's unique series from Magyarország Madártávlat, as no documentary film about Hungary has yet been made exclusively with drones. We fly over the thrown stones and huge tears of giants on the northern shore of Lake Balaton. We will also visit the princess of the Tihany echo tower, locked in the tower, and then we will also show the Tihany lavender fields, which are one of the ingredients of love potions, from above. We also research the legends of the hermits living in the cave and the heart-shaped tombstones in Balaton Court, and we accompany all this with Badacsony wine and the story of the gray friends. Starting from Badacsony, we explore the now quiet region of volcanoes and the icy mountain of St. George and the dragons, then we follow the Hungarian sea from the stone sea of the Káli basin all the way to Szigliget, as only birds can see.