This is the fourth and final video of this trip. In this video I will show you the subway in more detail, what the prices are, and what is approximately in it. We will also try malatan again. We will walk around the city. I will show you a European street, it is very beautiful in the evening. You will also find out what room we lived in. If I didn’t show or tell you something, then write questions in the comments, I will definitely answer! Enjoy watching! #hunchun #china #review Channel support: Sberbank card: 2202 2050 4141 2286 Cooperation: [email protected] My Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/622e8abd4855... https://t.me/livedv27 - my telegram channel. It will broadcast what does not get into the video on this channel. https://t.me/tundoxbxbdu - telegram channel with my son's club music. Welcome! And also the channel of Kirill, my son: / @kirill_game_i_horror_game Club music (always new): https://vk.com/clubroommusic My page in VK: https://vk.com/id2513073 My group in VK with my musical creativity: https://vk.com/club88599898 Group of DJ-s of Khabarovsk in VK: https://vk.com/djkhab My musical creativity: http://promodj.com/vinil