※ This video is part of <Documentary Prime - The Disappearance of Humans Part 1: Extinction> broadcast on November 28, 2016. There were many humans before modern humans. They all disappeared, and only we were left alone. To meet the harsh lives of humans who adapted to extreme environments, we go back to the era of Homo heidelbergensis, Paranthropus boisei, and Neanderthals. ① The beginning of humanity. Homo heidelbergensis (aka 'Goliath') grew in size to cope with the dangerous environment full of wild beasts. They lived in groups, protecting themselves from predators, and even performed rituals to remember the dead. We reenact the difficult lives of those who developed high-level thinking but disappeared into the back alleys of history. ② Another struggle for survival. There was Paranthropus boisei, called the 'Nutcracker Man' because of its molars that were four times larger than ours. Those who had to chew food for a considerable amount of time while awake to sustain their bodies on a meager plant-based diet developed stomachs rather than brains. We delve into the life of this 'Nutcracker Man' who was ultimately defeated by humans who evolved brains. ③ Blossoming language and culture. Neanderthals who lived during the Ice Age showed more human characteristics such as language and funeral rituals and overcame the harsh environment. Despite this, they disappeared. We look back on the story of the last survivor. Almost all humans have gone extinct. Can we be an exception? The story of the disappeared humans and our current survival is fierce. ✔ Program name: Documentary Prime - The Disappeared Humans Part 1 Extinction ✔ Broadcast date: 2016.11.28 #GolladunDocumentary #DocuPrime #Humanity #Human #Extinction #Survival #Earth #Primitive #HomoSapiens