The CGS Headquarters is located at Rua Eponina, 390, Vila Carrão/SP and you are always our guest! Broadcasts here on the Comunidade da Graça channel on Sundays at 10 am and 7 pm. And on Wednesdays at 8 pm. On Sundays at 10 am we have specific activities for children from 2 to 12 years old. Access your cell phone's app store and install the CGSEDE app, receive our newsletters and notices https://qrco.de/app-cgsede To learn more about our work, our schedule, etc., visit: / cgsede If you wish to contribute to the Comunidade da Graça Sede, visit our website: https://cgsede.com.br/doar/ Or below is our information: COMMUNITY OF GRAÇA IN VILA CARRÃO PIX CNPJ 04.612.355/0001-92 Itaú - Branch: 0467 // Account: 35496-5 Bradesco - Branch: 0298-4 // Account: 200670-7 Santander - Branch: 3923 // Account: 13000207-2 Regular celebration times: Sundays: Celebration Services 10am and 7pm Wednesdays 8pm Youth Saturdays 7pm. Information: Send your message via Whatsapp: (11) 2090-1800