Over 6,500 human lives saved from Nazi fury. This is the incredible fruit of the silent and courageous work carried out in the last years of the Second World War by Msgr. Hugh O'Flaherty and the secret network he coordinated, the Rome Escape Line, made up of men and women who incognito facilitated the escape, hiding and survival of thousands of prisoners of war and civilians. WhatsApp channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va8K... RELATED VIDEOS: Rome 43-44. The Jews in the occupied city: • Rome 43-44. The Jews in the occupied cit... The second floor. Rome, 1944: a story of Jews, nuns, courage and charity: • The second floor. Rome, 1944: a story... The Resistance of the religious orders in Rome (1943-1944): • The Resistance of the religious orders ... Pius XII and the Jews. From the Vatican Archives a new truth: • Pius XII and the Jews. From the Vatican Archives... RELATED ARTICLES: Hugh O'Flaherty, the priest who saved 6,500 lives from Nazism: https://www.vaticannews.va/it/mondo/n...