Considered the Cherry on the Cake!!! It is the most anticipated attraction of the Event! Hudema's Opala Carbon V8 Blower making an appearance at the List 042 DRAG RACE in GUARAPUAVA - PR in the CITY OF LAGOS NEXT TO THE ROAD ENTRANCE THAT GOES TO THE DISTRICT OF GUAIRACA. Hudema Drag is the Four-Time Champion of the Biggest List Challenge in Brazil! The Armageddon!!! Opalão Carbon V8 Blower 4X4!!! The Opala Carbon V8 Blower 4X4, Pro Line 481X engine! The 481X is one of the most reliable and consistent engines for drag racing. With its aluminum block and head, the Pro Line Racing 481X is virtually bulletproof, making it a great choice for those planning to use methanol. The performance and consistency of this engine in Pro Mod, No Prep, Drag Radial and Outlaw 10.5 proved to be the perfect engine! Event Description: 15th Edition of the Area 42 List, a beautiful drag racing event that makes you remember the old Guarapuava street drag races! #lista042 #listaarea42 #area42alista #guarapuavapr #opalaemaverick #opalahudema #opalacarbon #opalav84x4 #hudemadragrace #hudema #armageddonsaopaulo #armaggedon11 #listasbrasil #listasbrasiloficial