Enhanced version of the official videoclip for the popular song of Hozan Dino. Now with HQ AUDIO 2004 Lyrics; It rose to my chest, it flew away for freedom It became a white dove, it flew away for peace The earth did not speak, the green one does not know where it went It burned my heart, it became a burning fire I heard your words, my mind went crazy May the wind of the Zagros carry your scent Bring me a tall shadow Send it through the day Become a dream of the night, come and seduce me I can't see you far away, come and embrace me Let the love of my heart not be orphaned Instagram: @hozandino_ Facebook: Hozan Dino Spotify: Hozan Dino #2024 #acoustic #akustik #cu #hozandino #kurdish #kurdishmusic #kurtçemüzik #ledaye #muzik #hozandino #rojhilat #dino #kurdistan #kurdishmusic #muzik #oyyare #ledaye #guladilemin #kobani #kobane #efrin #afrin #duhok #dohuk #amed #diyarbakir #share #klip #2023 #kurtcemuzik #kurdishsongs #stranekurdi #stranakurdi #stream #kurdish #newroz #hannover #hozandino #oyyare #dino #kurdishmusic #kurtcemuzik #muzikakurdi #stranenkurdi #stream #kurdish #klip #acoustic #live #cu #namus #guladilemin #muzik #music #studiosession