Enhanced version of the official videoclip for the popular song of Hozan Dino. Now with HQ AUDIO 2010 Lyrics; i zindanan şêvên tarî With a shared heart You came into my heart Like a wounded love, the never-ending One cannot be without you, one cannot be without you, my friend One has passed this age One has passed this age One has passed this age One has passed this age One does not give up the hopes of my heart Until you return from this heart One cannot be without you, one cannot be without you, my friend. Instagram: @hozandino_ Facebook: Hozan Dino Spotify: Hozan Dino #2024 #acoustic #akustik #cu #hozandino #kurdish #kurdishmusic #kürtçemüzik #ledaye #muzik #hozandino #rojhilat #dino #kurdistan #kurdishmusic #muzik #oyyare #ledaye #guladilemin #kobani #kobane #efrin #afrin #duhok #dohuk #amed #diyarbakir #share #klip #2023 #kurtcemuzik #stranenkurdi #stranekurdi #stranakurdi #stream #kurdish #newroz #hannover#hozandino #oyyare #dino #kurdishmusic #kurtcemuzik #muzikakurdi #stranenkurdi #stream #kurdish #klip #acoustic #live #cu #namus #guladilemin #muzik #music #studiosession