Check out Q&C's special water purifiers and buy with a 10% discount by entering the coupon code tizes10: https://shop.qcwatercoolers.com/ Join the members of the channel ???? / list of tens Have you ever felt that you would like to drink something sweet, but you don't want a lot of it? take in calories and sugar? You grab your favorite sugar-free drink from the shelf or the fridge, for example a zero or a light cola, and you think everything is fine. But not even close. It's not enough that it doesn't help you lose weight, in many ways, sugar-free cola is much worse than its traditional version. Moreover, according to many critics, it can be downright addictive. Would it really be that terrible? Follow us on TikTok as well ???? / tizeslista_hu We're also on Instagram ???? / tizeslista Tens list Facebook ???? / tizeslista Sources: https://pastebin.com/besfL2L4 Intro music: https://motionarray.com/royalty-free-... Outro music: Cold Funk - Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) #tudynomy #érdekesség #tízeslista