[Impersonation Quiz Nagata Edition] • [Impersonation Quiz] Pretend to be your boss in chat and confuse your colleagues! [Impersonation Quiz Da Vinci Osorezan Edition] • Impersonate a masked man anonymously!! [Impersonation Quiz Osorezan Edition] [Impersonation Quiz ARuFa Edition] • [Impersonation Quiz] Copy your colleagues' thoughts exactly to become an impostor! [Subscribe to the channel here!] / @omocorochannel Omocoro https://omocoro.jp/ Twitter account / omocoro Click here for work and collaboration requests! https://omocoro.jp/contact/ad/ [Cast] Nagata → / nagatabros Harajuku → / haraajukku Da Vinci Osorezan → / d_v_osorezan ARuFa → / arufa_faru Kato → / katokato