"Star Wars: Acolyte" is a new drama series set in the Golden Age of the Jedi, about 100 years before "Episode 1: The Phantom Menace." This series is also a hot topic because it stars Lee Jung-jae from "The Squid Game" and Carrie-Anne Moss from "The Matrix" as Jedi Masters. We talked about our impressions of the first two episodes that were released. ■Spoiler-filled impressions from 21:29 ■Cast Robson Daniel, Nozu Keiichiro, Yamada Shuka (freelance writer) A program where IGN JAPAN staff chat about the latest movies and TV dramas #impressions #reviews #thoughts #Star Wars #acolyte ■Playlist for "Popcorn on the Silver Screen" • [Updated every Friday] Popcorn on the Silver Screen ■Podcast version on iTunes https://itun.es/i6dS29S Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/0oqAeYZ... ――――――――――― IGN JAPAN: http://jp.ign.com/ Twitter: / ignjapan Facebook: / ignjapan Comment submission rules: http://jp.ign.com/ign-japan/21173/edi...