Plot: Feriha Yılmaz (Hazal Kaya) is a beautiful and intelligent girl who lives in the basement of a luxury building. Her father, Rıza (Metin Çekmez), works as a janitor in Etiler, an upper-class neighborhood in Istanbul. The young woman receives a full scholarship to study at a private university and quickly becomes the center of attention, even Emir Sarrafoğlu (Çağatay Ulusoy) takes an interest in her. Feriha lies about her life and pretends to be a young millionaire, getting caught between her own lies and being humiliated by her family. To subscribe to the official YouTube channel; https://goo.gl/CNpak4 Add Feriha Koydum Resmi YouTube Kanalı; https://goo.gl/4cFkkM To subscribe to the official Med Yapım channel: https://goo.gl/ZFpCky Characters: Vahide Gördüm Hazal Kaya Çağatay Ulusoy Metin Çekmez Melih Selçuk Ceyda Ateş Yusuf Akgün Deniz Uğur Ahu Sungur Barış Kılıç Ufuk Tan Altunkaya Pelin Ermiş Sedef Şahin Feyza Civelek