Hello, welcome ☺ Thank you very much for following the channel ???????? Link BOXES WE USE IN DELIVERY ⬇️ https://www.perpacks.com.br/salgados Use my coupon ISADORA6 and get 6% off your purchases on the Perpacks website. Ninja Cap Link ⬇️ https://mercadolivre.com/sec/2PdBsME Link to the Hollow Trays to freeze the snacks ⬇️ https://mercadolivre.com/sec/1mc8b1j Pressure Nozzle Link ⬇️ https://mercadolivre.com/sec/2k5r3J2 Cooking Clock Link ⬇️ https://mercadolivre.com/sec/2ACUydL Infrared Thermometer Link ⬇️ https://mercadolivre.com/sec/1yW9SnU Eigin I9 Machine Link ⬇️ https://mercadolivre.com/sec/1bxViSU 7-liter aluminum electric fryer/pot link (I recommend it for those who are starting out) ⬇️ https://mercadolivre.com/sec/2AwGekg (It's the same supplier where we bought our old one, but it doesn't sells more resistance protector) Link MetalCubas Electric Fryer ⬇️ https://mercadolivre.com/sec/1kYNwXj Link Stapler Pliers ⬇️ https://mercadolivre.com/sec/1QurP9b Link Beefood System ⬇️ https://forms.gle/vKFgvaz6jmmPbFfB7 Instagram: @latancesalgados