It was close to making a mistake when installing the ceiling, specifically the Teriva ceiling. Thanks to our viewers, an error was caught when installing the oversupport reinforcement. We show how the issue was resolved and what the role of the construction manager is. As a bonus: the costs of making the ceiling and we answer questions about why we did not make a monolithic or wooden ceiling. Instructions for Konbet ceiling contractors: https://www.konbet.com.pl/pliki/Strop... --- Welcome to our channel about renovating and extending an old house. We do it largely ourselves, although of course we will not do all the work ourselves. In addition to construction, on the channel you will find work in wood and metal because these are the materials we are closest to. You can find additional information on our social media pages: instagram: / sobierobie2020 Facebook: / sobierobie-105666088269445 #starydom #remontdomu #skuwanietynków