The structure and process of writing a scientific paper: article, term paper, diploma. 1. What is scientific novelty, how to check it, the difference between objective and subjective scientific novelty. 2. How to make a plan for an article, term paper or diploma. How to write an introduction (formulation of the subject and object, purpose and objectives, research methods, relevance and result), the main part, conclusion. How are they related to each other. 3. How to write a literature review and arrange a list of sources. 4. Features of a scientific text, argumentation of an idea, logic, objectivity, accuracy. Universal phrases of the scientific style of speech. 5. How to format the text of an article, term paper or diploma (GOST, technical design, editing). Bonuses: Richard Feynman's method, Matt Might's process of cognition Original material: http://www.meteor-city.top/how-to-wri... Plan: http://www.meteor-city.top/plan Phrases of scientific style: http://www.meteor-city.top/frazi-nauc... Literature and GOSTs: http://www.meteor-city.top/literature