In the 3rd part of our 'How to Weld?' series, we share our opinions on tungsten electrode color codes, sharpening and diameter selection used in TIG (Argon) welding. You can send us your questions, opinions and all your curiosities as comments under the video. 🏆 Our Sponsors: 📌SIEGMUND Welding Table - System 16 / 1500x1000x100 mm SIEGMUND Turkey Representative Contact Information: Atik Industrial Welding Technologies Industry and Trade Inc. TEL: +90 (224) 482 43 35 E-MAIL: [email protected] www.atikwelding.com AUTHORIZED PERSON: Aytekin KOÇ - GSM: +90 (532) 714 51 36 📱 You can also follow us on our other social media accounts 👍 Instagram: / weldwolfofficial WW Market IG: / weldwolfmarket Weld Wolf Market Online Sales Store: https://weldwolfmarket.com/ TikTok: / weldwolf Facebook: http://fb.me/weldwolfofficial LinkedIn: / weldwolf Twitter: / weldwolf Our website: https://weldwolf.com E-mail: [email protected] Follow Technology, #BeTheWelding #TIG #HowToWeld #TungstenElectrode