An important role in the design and appearance of the ceiling is played by the smooth surface of the plasterboard frame. It can be leveled in different ways: laser and mark, rule and clamps, strong thread. Practice has shown that the thread gives the best result when leveling the profiles of the ceiling frame. Unlike a laser or a rail, it has virtually no error associated with the thickness of the beam or the deflection of the long rail. At the same time, the thread: weighs nothing, does not take up space, costs almost nothing. The only condition is that the thread must be very strong, usually polyamide or nylon. Thread for stitching shoes is well suited. The strength must be selected so that it would be impossible to simply tear it with your hands. Thickness up to 1 millimeter, lint-free. how to make a smooth ceiling from gypsum board (tools, materials, installation): • How to make a ceiling from plasterboard. ... how to easily and simply install plasterboard on the ceiling alone: • The EASIEST installation of plasterboard on the ... #howtoalign #ceilingframe #plasterboardinstallation #plasterboardceiling