Paid Course - To Make Money Making Crafts Combo Crafts + Statues + Resin Vases for Succulents = 3IN1 Course https://go.hotmart.com/D64189198W Video Painting Female Figure. Under construction Video Crystal Polyester Resin - Translucent Piece Under construction To work with polyester resin, it is essential to use PPE, disposable gloves and a gas mask. The smell of polyester resin is very strong and unpleasant for many people. I will address the laminating polyester resin, which is the lowest cost resin and you can find it in construction materials, paint stores and there are several options on the internet. I have been using laminating polyester resin for crafts since 2017. I use it with 50% mineral filler. The fillers that I have the best results with are dolomite and calcite. I cannot reach 50% with industrial talc, as the resin becomes too thick. Mixing the filler increases the resin yield, since the price of mineral fillers is on average 15 times lower than the price of the resin. I mix the resin and dolomite for 24 hours in a very clean and dry plastic bottle before catalyzing and casting my craft pieces. I shake the plastic bottle every 2 or 4 hours during the day so that the mixture of the filler and the resin is well homogeneous. If possible, mix only what you are going to use with the filler. If your production is constant and daily, no problem. If you leave the resin with the filler standing for a few days, the filler will settle to the bottom and not mix. Then the best thing to do is to sift the resin with a fine fabric, used women's socks or a fine plastic screen will also work and discard the plastic bottle with the dolomite residue and the fabric or screen you used to sift. I evaluate the viscosity; if the resin is very fluid, I do the 2% catalysis. The advantage of using polyester resin is that the mixtures can be imprecise. You can mix 30, 40, 50% or more. You can mix 1% to 4% of the catalyst, but it will catalyze faster or slower. Only if you add too much catalyst will the resin crack and heat up so much that it will self-combust and you could cause a fire. After pouring the catalyzed resin into the mold, check for any leaks. The resin will heat up to around 80 degrees during the catalysis process. When it cools, unmold the part, remove the burrs from the mold joints and let it dry for 24 hours. I wash the part with water and detergent and a brush, then finish and sand it. The solvents in the polyester resin will evaporate over a few days.