To achieve sales via WhatsApp, the secret is not to follow ready-made and memorized scripts, but to transform WhatsApp into a true sales machine. This means stopping behaving like a pushy salesperson and starting to act like a consultant who generates value and builds relationships. I will share some essential points that, if applied correctly, will change the game for you. First, organize your professional profile. No amateur photos or generic automatic messages. Create a presence that conveys seriousness and authority. Use clear and direct descriptions that show how you can solve the customer's problems. Second, use artificial intelligence assistants to automate responses and save time. This way, while you are offline, your sales continue to happen. Also, remember: the right message at the right time is what turns curious people into buyers. Don't send the payment link too early. First, build value and make the customer understand the transformation that your product generates. After that, just move on to closing. Finally, maintain constant follow-up. Good after-sales service generates repurchases and referrals, turning customers into promoters of your business. This is how you turn WhatsApp into a sales machine! ✅ MasterClass: How to Turn Your WhatsApp into a Sales Machine: https://chatfunnel.com.br/masterclass... ✅ Learn how to scale your online sales through Marketing and Sales Funnels with the LTV Method: https://metodoltv.com.br/?utm_source=... Follow me on Instagram: / ddiasmatt #vendaspelowhatsapp #venderpelowhatsapp #whatsapp