Talk to Dan Silva: http://bit.ly/danilosilva-whatsapp Today's video is just the way you like it, full of tips and information, it's the complete tutorial on how to transform an old model Titan 160 into a 2023 Titan 160 model, in my case mine is 2019, but the tutorial works for any year. I'll show you all the parts needed for this transformation and the values of all the original and parallel parts and how you'll get them at a great price, because I was impressed with the value of these parts at Honda. So that's it, I hope I helped with this tutorial on how to transform an old Titan 160 into the 2023 model. Thank you very much for watching! Don't forget to leave your like and subscribe to the channel, it helps a lot. Thanks for the support, TMJ!!! Custom Paintings? ???? Call on Instagram direct! My paint shop: DZ CUSTOM @dzcustom_oficial / dzcustom_oficial ????Follow me on Instagram! @cristopherdiniz / cristopherdiniz Contact me on Direct to ask questions. PARTNER CHANNELS DAN SILVA - PLANNED PURCHASE: / @dansilvacompraplanejada DANIEL DA HORNET: / @danieldahornetofc PATRICK DINIZ: / @patrickdiniz6845