How to convert a 220V outlet to 127V? Important: 1- This modification is not possible in some regions of Brazil, where 220V voltage is already obtained with single-phase circuits (phase + neutral), therefore it is necessary to use a 220V/110V transformer, always checking if the transformer power is compatible with the power of the device to be connected. 2- This procedure is only possible for exclusive (independent) circuits. A very interesting video for you, my friend, who is starting out in the electrical area or even for you who are already a professional in this area. Before starting any service with electricity, make sure that the circuit is turned off! Contact for services: (21) 97167-4116 (Rio de Janeiro - RJ) =================================== Also watch: How to transform a 110 (127) V socket into a 220 V socket: • HOW TO TRANSFORM A 127 V (110 V) SOCKET... Are 110V and 127V the same thing?: • Are 110V and 127V the SAME thing? or s... =================================== Subscribe here: / Elétricasemmistério =================================== Instagram: / eletricasemmisterio =================================== #ComoTransformar220VEm127V #220Vpara110V #ElétricaSemMistério