How to connect an auxiliary relay to the electric window module to time the positive power supply to the window switch button. RELAY INSTALLATION SCHEME ➜ https://www.facebook.com/empresastafa... ???? ⬇️⬇️ FOLLOW OUR SOCIAL MEDIA ⬇️⬇️ ???? ✅ FACEBOOK ➜ / empresastafacil ✅ INSTAGRAM ➜ / empresas_ta_facil ✅ TWITTER ➜ / tafaciloficial ????️ OUR VIRTUAL STORE MAGAZINE TA FACIL ➜ https://www.magazinevoce.com.br/magaz... ????️ OUR AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL COURSE ???? ➜ https://go.hotmart.com/U16261303E ????️ OUR INSULFILM COURSE ➜ https://go.hotmart.com/F17288367H ????️ OUR AUTOMOTIVE SOUND SYSTEM COURSE ➜ https://go.hotmart.com/A52148701J ☑ ????Comment ????????Like ✍????Subscribe ???? Activate the Bell ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? #EmpresasTaFacil #RelêTemporizador #TemporizarVidroEletrico