🟢 LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... How to Sum by Month in Excel with more criteria such as Product, Customer, etc. In this Excel video lesson, we will learn how to sum by month in the Excel spreadsheet for example. We will learn how to sum by month and also use one more criterion such as product or customer. So that we can use the sum formula in Excel or even the sum function in Excel to sum carefully and add only what we need, we can use the sumif function in Excel or even the sumifs function. The SUMIF function sums the values in a range that meet a criterion that you specify. In this practical Excel example, we will sum by months, that is, how much was sold in each of the months, how much was sold in the month of January, February, March, April, and so on. But in addition to that, we also need to add another criterion to the sumif formula, the ifs formula, in Excel, such as the name of the product or the name of the customer. so that we can add up by months we first need to have the months extracted from the dates, that is, we will need to extract only the month from a complete date and for this we can use the text function or even the text formula in the Excel spreadsheet. The text formula allows us to extract from a complete date only the day or only the month or only the year and in this way we can have the criterion that we need to use in the sum function, which is the month criterion. #ExcellentJoão #Excel #Dashboard