To stop sinning we need to do it hand in hand with God: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Philippians 4:13. “I can do all things” is what we do, “through Christ who strengthens me,” is what God does. Many see God's law as something bad but it is not, God's law was not given to prevent our happiness, on the contrary, it is a path to it. Everything we do to stop sinning we must do it hand in hand with God. Subscribe to our channel to receive a new video in your feed: http://goo.gl/EpjsX If you want to know more about the Church The Place of His Presence and His Presence, visit our website http://www.supresencia.com and our official channel on youtube / supresencia . Facebook of the Church The Place of His Presence: /el.lugar.de.su.presencia Facebook of the Praise Team: /ministry.supresencia Twitter: @SuPresenciaIgle @SuPresencia Remember to use our hashtag for both Instagram and Twitter All the music of His Presence available on iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/artis... #HisPresence